How to have effective rest with remote work?
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How to have effective rest with remote work?

Sandra Nalepka
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Have you ever wondered how remote work impacts on you? It can be exhausting and often exceed standard hours. You spend hours in front of a screen, solving complex problems or creating code that works flawlessly. But do you remember that rest is just as important as your work? Here are some tips on how to rest effectively to stay productive and relaxed.

1. Find your work-life balance

Did you know that the key to effective rest is to set your limits between work and free time? When you work remotely, these limits can easily become blurred. It's a good idea to set yourself clear working hours that are also visible to your co-workers, and stick to them. When you're done working, turn off your computer, and put away your business phone. Your brain needs a clear signal that work time is over.

2. Make sure you take regular breaks

Don't forget to take regular breaks throughout the day. The Pomodoro technique can be a great tool to help you work in focus for a set amount of time, and then allow you to take a short rest. For example, keep working for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After four such cycles, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

3. Physical activity is the key to healthy life

Do you know how much physical activity affects your wellbeing? Even a short walk in the fresh air can do miracles. Exercising helps reduce stress, improves mood and increases energy. You can also try yoga, meditation or get up from the computer once in a while and do some stretching exercises. These practices will help you relax and concentrate.

4. Take care of the ergonomics of your workplace

What do you think can improve your comfort at work? An ergonomic workstation is a must. Invest in a good chair, a proper desk and a monitor at the right height. This will not only increase your comfort, but also reduce the risk of pain.

5. Find a hobby that relaxes you

Do you have a hobby that makes you happy? Finding an activity that you enjoy can be a great way to relax. It could be reading books, cooking, DIY or computer games. It's important that you have something that allows you to relax and get away from your daily responsibilities.

6. Take care of healthy sleep

Sleep is the base of recovery. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Avoid screens an hour before bedtime and have a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom. A good night's sleep improves concentration, mood and overall wellbeing.

7. Spend time with your loved ones

Don't forget about relationships with loved ones. Socializing with family and friends is not only enjoyable, but also reduces stress and improves your mood. Did you know that social support is very important for our mental health? We recommend an interesting article on this topic.

8. Disconnect from technology sometimes

Do you ever find yourself spending all day at the computer and then still browsing social media for hours? Try to detox from technology from time to time. Turn off your phone, put down your laptop and enjoy the moment without screens.

Relaxation isn't just about lazing on the couch (although that's important too!). It's mostly a time to recuperate and recharge your batteries. If you want to learn more about how we balance work and private life at Semantive, take a look at our previous article.

Remember that effective rest is the key to your productivity and wellbeing. Apply the above tips and see how they affect your daily life. Which of these ways do you think will work best for you? Share your thoughts in the comments!

#teamSemantive, take care of yourself and rest wisely!

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Sandra Nalepka
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